Technological difficulties faced by teachers of elementary education in Tabascoat the beginning of the COVID-19pandemic
This article presents a partial result of a research project originated by the lockdown resulting from the COVID-19 health emergency in the State of Tabasco, Mexico. The purpose was to identify the difficulties faced by basic education teachers, in relation to technological resources, when they had to move their teaching work to their domestic environment in order to conclude the 2019-2020 school year. The questionnaire used was based on the study La Escuela en Casa, carried out by the Evaluation and Measurement Group: Education for Social Cohesion (GEMEduCo) of the University of Valencia, Spain. The questionnaire was adapted to the Mexican context and applied through a survey. The final instrument consisted of 39 questions that account for140 variables; however, in this report only 43 variables are exposed those related to technological resources and connectivity are exposed. The type of sampling was non-probabilistic, of the snowball type. The total sample was made up of 568 basic education teachers. A characterization of the teachers who participated in the study is presented, followed by the descriptive analysis and crossed tables of the variables considered regarding ICT. The results suggest that the difficulties faced by teachers were generalized, without differences on type of school, its context, educational level or years of service.
Keywords: Teachers; ICT; Connectivity; Pandemic; COVID-19; Technological equipment
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