Sustainable development in organizations and innovation
The purpose of this research is to systematize the experience accumulated between the years 2017 and 2020 developed by the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Piura in its interaction with rural communities, based on evidence from two Populated Centers: Coyona and Yahuanduz, with the purpose of contributing to improve their living conditions. Said purpose is framed in the work of the university from the University Social Responsibility (USR); and focused from the third great mission of the university: the transfer of knowledge and the return to society. Under this proposal, it is inferred that communities not only find problems, but also solutions, which must be configured from technology and social innovation; and, be oriented towards rural spaces through capacity building and community participation. Under this proposal, a social construction based on community development prototypes should be sought, which recognizes previous knowledge and manages to insert itself into the work of the Faculty of Economics to configure a replicable and sustainable mode of interaction.
Keywords: university-community, innovation and social technology, community knowledge
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