Impact From The Use of Mobile Devices In Learning Among Adolescent Students




In view of the controversy of mobile devices (MDs) in the school ́s environment of young students, this systematic review gathers the most recent literature on the topic. Through searches on the databases Web of Science, EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete, Scopus and Eric, we categorized and synthesized the main research topics and their content. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 studies were selected from the initial 121; Caldwell’s (2011) criteria were used to ensure validity and reliability, while the methodological quality was verified in 13 of the studies. Most of the research papers included showed a positive impact on learning among high school students. We conclude that the digital divide persists worldwide among students at this level, and that there is a trend for qualitative focus in countries already studied. We suggest exploratory studies in less studied populations such as those of the countries of America and Latin America. We expect a positive change of the impact of MDs after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Mobile Device; Smartphone; Students; learning.


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2021-01-07 — Updated on 2021-01-28


How to Cite

Calderón Loeza, G. Y., & Sánchez Escobedo, P. (2021). Impact From The Use of Mobile Devices In Learning Among Adolescent Students. Emerging Trends in Education, 3(6). (Original work published 2021)