Responsibility Social University Course in Chile: a theoretical reformulation
Corporate social responsibility is a responsible and ethical method to carry out actions and make decisions and poses a tremendous importance in all aspects of social development and it is constantly being scrutinized on account of the demands of modern life. It is for this reason that this document intends to explore about the current teaching of corporate social responsibility as a subject of study as well as its implementation on the different majors across the universities in Chile. The most salient conclusion was the observation of a scarce practical concern with the subject matter, if only a mere declaration of good intentions, which rarely see fruition, and those few who do go far from its theoretical roots. Both the theoretical and pedagogical implication of the study of corporate social responsibility, allow for an open debate about the importance of the subject along with the urge of teaching across the board to all future Chilean professional of a responsible socially-committed business model which overlooks social, economic and environmental sustainability.
Keywords: Educational Management, University Social Responsibility, Educational Approaches, Educational Reformulation; Social development
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