Diagnosis of the need for the formation of educational competences for science communicators





educational competence, disseminators, science communication


The present work is the result of scientific research with a descriptive scope, on the need for the formation of educational skills for the communicators of science. Every analog or digital process and activity, of science communication, must be based on two pillars: education and communication. The methodology was quantitative, the questionnaire was answered by 115 disseminators distributed in the 32 federal entities; the questions focused on knowing the educational competences, their training around the pedagogical models, the didactic strategies they apply in their activities, the knowledge about the communicative processes, etc. As a result, there is a need for training in educational performances; the application of educational strategies in the analog and digital communication of science activities, this due to the requirement of training in this area; most only have disciplinary training. A very basic training focused on the area of communication was also expressed through activities such as talks, presentations and conferences. In the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, training and updating were reduced. Training in educational skills is necessary for disseminators, in order to achieve the goal of meaningful learning, the real social appropriation of science, especially for the most vulnerable groups.


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How to Cite

Navarro Zamora, L. (2024). Diagnosis of the need for the formation of educational competences for science communicators. Emerging Trends in Education, 6(12), 69-82. https://doi.org/10.19136/etie.a6n12.6002