Soft skills and web 2.0 in high school education
The globalization of society combines technical aspects that come from technology with different skills for the development of an integral education for life, so it is important that the teaching-learning process is oriented not only to the development of hard or technical skills but also of soft skills. The methodology used consisted of a bibliographic review, documents that allowed the discussion to raise the importance of the development of skills from an early age. The contribution is considered from the need to implement strategies to enhance soft skills from web 2. 0, because it is an issue that influences the academic field in a globalized world that will have an impact on the different areas of life for which they must be prepared and provide solutions to the challenges that the XXI century society poses either in the educational, family, social and/or labor area, thus the objective of the work is to know the importance of soft skills from basic education at the secondary level, in the teaching-learning through Web 2.0 tools.
Keywords: Soft skills; hard skills; teens; Web 2.0 tools; technology.
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