Care practices with adult children. When children grow up, does care change?
Fatherhood is a process in the life trajectory of some men that changes their identity, their way of seeing and perceiving themselves and others. However, during the development of the children, the way of caring for them also changes. In the present investigation, the objective was to describe the care practices in a father with adult children from a relational gender perspective; For this, a case study is presented through semi-structured interviews. The results show that exercising paternity is a process that can lead to tensions and conflicts among its members, generating friction, disagreements and reunions throughout the development of the children. These, when they become adults, vary the ways of relating to their father, sometimes they are the ones who care for and accompany them during the aging process. Likewise, the care exercised by parents ranges from supporting in daily tasks, to advising and providing physical companionship, building affective relationships and mutual care, leading to a process of re-signifying gender identity for both the father and the son.
Keywords: care practices; paternity; adulthood; gender; marital separation.
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