Multigrade telesecundaria school pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs
Self-efficacy beliefs, practicum, pre-service teachers, multigrade telesecundariaAbstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the beliefs and sources of self-efficacy of pre-service teacher in the context of their practices in multigrade telesecundarias schools. The approach used was qualitative and exploratory. Five practitioners were interviewed. Regarding the first objective, it was found that most of the students increased their self-efficacy beliefs as they progressed in carrying out their teaching practices. Regarding the sources of self-efficacy, it was found that these have an important influence on the practitioners' beliefs. The lack of real enactive mastery experiences intervened negatively since at the beginning of the practices the future teachers did not feel very capable. However, vicarious experiences were mostly positive and contributed to increasing self-confidence. Verbal persuasion also helped improve student performance by reinforcing appropriate behaviors and seeking to improve those that were not working well. Physiological and emotional states had a negative influence at the beginning of the practices. However, at the end of them, these improved and they become mostly positive. It is necessary to improve multigrade training in all actors and emotional management of the classroom.
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