Education and Technology: Myths and ambiguities in times of crisis




Ambiguity, Uncertainty, Institutionalized rules, Technology


The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the education-technology duality with an addition: in crisis. When we talk about education, we refer to the formal and superior. The reflection points out and focuses its analysis, on the one hand, on the marked reflection of institutionalized rules (myths) contained in the environments of educational organizations in which technology is considered the appropriate means to achieve educational purposes and ends, because " regardless of their possible efficiency, they make the organization look adequate, rational and modern” (Meyer and Rowan, 1999, p.83). And, on the other, it reflects on technology from conceptions of order, resorting to the concept of ambiguity understanding it as "a lack of clarity in reality, causality and intentionality" (March 1994). It is recognized that today the world is characterized by uncertainty in the sense that there are no certainties in any field and crises such as the health emergency that impacted education. As a product of this theoretical work, we have educational organizations legitimized before society as modern, flexible, and harmonious organizations, but with an ambiguous, imprecise technology and with little clarity to achieve educational purposes.



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How to Cite

JIMÉNEZ-HERRERA, J. (2024). Education and Technology: Myths and ambiguities in times of crisis. Emerging Trends in Education, 6(12), 83-91.