Augmented reality in university education




Augmented reality, Educational technology, University education, Educational complement, app


This study presents the “Augmented Reality in University Education” project, whose objective was to develop and evaluate mobile applications with augmented reality (AR) to improve the learning of Information Technology students at the Technological University of Nayarit. The literature review offers a clear definition of AR and documents international research on its use in education, with a specific analysis in the state of Nayarit. The research methodology was of a mixed nature, with a quasi-experimental design, in the development of the applications the agile Scrum methodology was used, subsequently implementing an experimental evaluation phase to verify the functionality and effectiveness of the apps in the educational environment; Questionnaires, observations and interviews were used to collect data on usability, motivation and improvement in student learning. Three mobile applications were created for the Data Structure and Databases subjects. The results showed that the applications are functional and were valued by students in usability, motivation and usefulness as an educational complement. The conclusions highlight that the applications allow students to use interactive models to understand abstract concepts, which improves their learning experience.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Castellanos, J., Camacho Vázquez, M. R. ., Adaile Benítez, N. T., & Pérez Méndez, J. (2024). Augmented reality in university education. Emerging Trends in Education, 7(13), 117-128.